A note from Theresa:

Hello! And thank you for taking a step towards building a relationship together. I value reciprocity and interdependence and connection with new folx.


Before contacting me, please be mindful and equitable about your request.

I get quite a few requests for informational interviews (coffee? can I pick your brain?) along with follow ups for more specific project information (we would like to write an article on community-engaged design! will you speak with my class?)

For those looking to collaborate or deepen your understanding of this work, please consider these questions prior to contacting me.

  • Am I asking for unpaid labor of any kind, including emotional, intellectual, or professional?

  • Is this request a part of a paid opportunity (course, article, project) or is the requester receiving compensation or benefitting, financially or otherwise?

  • Am I asking for a favor from a privileged position (more established institution or non-profit organization, race, gender identity, class, and beyond)?

If you have answered β€œyes” to any of the above requests and have not set aside a budget for my time and/or equitable compensation, please be mindful of the free labor that you are requesting. I am a self-employed, independent contractor where my time is my only asset and the only way I generate income. I typically welcome and accept inquiries that are aware of the labor they are requesting (or aware of the inequitable favor they are asking!). As a mid-career professional with an established network, exposure is no longer viable compensation.

I am always open to exploration and new conversations when no resources are present (for all), so please do not hesitate to contact me with passion projects.

For emerging designers, especially women, non-binary, trans, gender non-conforming folx of Color, I set aside time to speak with and invest energy in the next generation. Please feel free to directly contact me below. PLEASE NOTE: I do not have any internships or job openings at this time.

For more information for future collaborations, media inquiries, and speaking engagements, please email Theresa (at) deptofplaces (dot) org.